UI Elements

Using CSP to mock-up what I want the UI to look like. I'll have to take it into Unity/Naninovel to actually see what the results are and adjust as necessary. I would kind of like the drop shadow to have a CRT artifact look to them. But once it's built it can be used. Provided it's not too distracting.

Not completely sold on any particular font yet. I did a few inquiries regarding dyslexia-friendly fonts, and it seems like a common thread is a level of assymmetry in the letters? Might take some more digging into. As well as looking into Bionic Reading. It's not super important to me right now, but something to keep in mind.

What it comes down to is really where I want to focus my time. Look at feel seem to rank highest for me. So stuff like UI and the Artwork. I do also get a lot of pleasure out of reading and writing... that might be an entirely different post though.

Lastly, clothing options are sketched out, made another background for The-Street-Corner-Where-Daddy-Lived... Name to be adjusted later--since naming things is incredibly difficult for me.

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