Reverse Sprites + Live2D

Been a ton going on life-wise. Mostly lots of stressful things, nothing world ending. 

I say "nothing world ending" but some chapters come to an end, and new ones start. That liminal space in between is where the unexpected live. And not to be overly cryptic, just looking at a new living situation. I'm looking forward to it. A bit wistful from a 'last hurrah' with some old friends at my prior living place now that it will cease to being a gathering place for a lot of local furs from around the state. I am just very thankful for all of the memories.

Writing is 70-80% until the first Act is complete. It's a little under 11k in words displayed, closer to 14k including the code/script.

I've ended up testing AnyPortrait, and decided against it. I think I could have achieved the same look and feel that I would get out of Live2D, it requires that the animation engine itself needs to be packaged with the whole project, whereas Live2D's SDK is much smaller and Naninovel supports it practically out of the box. At the end of the day, I want better optimization.

As far as what's getting a Live2D treatment, Act 1 will contain at least two sequences. I've not entirely made up my mind on whether I should lightly coat the sprites with some minor breathing and blinking. It's probably more important to get it out with the sprites first and while writing Act 2 consider it more seriously. One of the things I forget is that some of these steps can be retouched.

I just want to make a good experience... but I certainly understand that if it's a choice between "minimum viable product" vs "everything is stuck in a pipeline and oh god it might be on fire"? MVP should win out. I will be making some sprites have a Left/Right variant. 

Lastly, I feel like I should divulge some of the choices in this game. The story is semi-linear.. but at the same time I don't want to take away the feeling of discovery for those looking for it. I definitely do not want folks feeling like they're wasting their time. We have so precious little of it... so again, I super appreciate those who stick around. I know there's a handful of people who really want to play it. I'm one person... one highly distractable--

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