CGs and Layers

"Show, don't tell" is a thing I've heard a lot.

Not surprising that as a visual artist, when I think about writing a scene that it comes to me visually long before I think of the words that can form in my brain. Logic probably finishes in third place telling me that I'm going to over scope everything. I think perhaps key establishing shots might be the balance of it. Otherwise, I could see myself ending up making an interactive comic, and that is super beyond the scope of this particular project.

It took a little bit to understand the underlying structure of how CGs are handled by Naninovel, and it comes from a schism of thinking that BGs and CGs are separate, and they're just images that are displayed. Simple as that. It's probably obvious to other people, but I'm regularly thinking of scenes in layers--probably from years of working in art programs where folder/layer structures inform how I organize things. Just have to realign the way I think about it.

That leads me into CG Unlocks and Gallery stuff, which is all built into the package, and it's simplified down to the same rules as before. There's not a definition problem when they can just be tagged according to what they need to do.

Scene transitions are a thing that I've been playing around with. I think it may require slightly deeper investigation for certain effects that the Layered property doesn't quite cover. Out of the box stuff is definitely suitable for the time being. Tapping into All In 1 Sprite Shader might be the solution I'm looking for. It will have to be akin to something like a dessert, a sort of treat. 

The bulk of it is going to be this writing where I don't just stop in the middle of it to just make some CGs and alternate backgrounds.

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